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Newsletter #5

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For the Treasure Hunt project these months have been marked by an important event that was a milestone in the project results implementation.

In fact, from 21 to 23 May 2024, the Italian partner Materahub,  hosted in Matera, Italy, the first training session open to the wannabe entrepreneurs in rural tourism. Fifteen young people from the project partners countries, namely Greece, Bulgaria, Spain and Sweden took part in this activity. This plenary training was a crucial part of the project’s activities aimed at young people with new business ideas in innovative and sustainable agritourism and rural tourism.

Over the three days, guided by the project partners, the teams created, developed and refined various business ideas. These ideas reached a level of maturity that could potentially lead to real-world implementation in different local settings.

Just in the spirit of the Treasure hunt project, the training wasn’t just theory! In fact,  participants had a study visit in Casal dragone, a well-established agritourism in the Matera area, known for its excellent wine (now shipped worldwide) and for the Crypt of Original Sin, a rock art masterpiece on the farm’s land. Overall, participants were thrilled with the training and Matera’s beautiful setting. They returned home full of new experiences and ideas to develop in their own countries for a greener, more sustainable future!

But the training activities, like the one in Matera, will continue; they will also be delivered in the following months, starting from September, in Valencia, Spain, in Volos, Greece, and Sofia, Bulgaria. The organization for the next training is currently going on.

Another important event was the Italian multiplier event held in Matera, Italy, on the 9th of May. Hosted by Unibas – University of Basilicata in Matera, the national Multiplier event addressed to many young students in the framework of the Week of Europe, a great opportunity to discover many possibilities of upskilling soft skills throughout all europe, among which we count Treasure Hunt trainings as well.

We would like to remind that the Social learning platform is already available on the website. You can access for free the six modules packed with educational content, case studies, best practices, videos and interactive tests. Complete these to earn your Treasure Hunt course certificate and develop skills for agritourism entrepreneurship!

To keep up with the Erasmus+ Treasure Hunt project, exchange opportunities, available tools and all Project Results and newsletters, visit the Treasure Hunt website and Facebook page.

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